What is Ultrasound Cavitation Fat Loss Therapy

Lose weight ultrasound cavitation fat loss therapy San Diego

If you’re trying to get in shape for the upcoming holiday party season but dieting and exercise aren’t doing much for your problem areas, there might be a reason. Traditional weight loss methods cause your body to go into conservation mode, which slows your metabolism and actually makes it harder to shed fat. Fortunately, advances in medical science have found a way to diminish fat without sending your body into panic mode.

Introducing…Ultrasound Cavitation Fat Loss Therapy.

What is Ultrasound Cavitation Fat Loss Therapy?

The Ultrasound Cavitation procedure uses ultrasound and radio waves to break down fat cells and cellulite without affecting nearby organs and cells. The disrupted fat cells will then process through the digestive system naturally. Unlike surgical fat loss treatments, with Ultrasound Cavitation there’s no pain, scarring, bleeding, and no risk of infection or downtime needed for recovery.

How does Ultrasound Fat Cavitation work?

During the procedure, a technician will apply a hand tool that transmits low-level ultrasonic waves to your skin. The compression-expansion impulses create micro-bubbles that enlarge, collide, and implode, producing shock waves that “leak” the content of fat cells in a process called cavitation. The waste material is then processed through the liver and released from the body through sweat and digestive elimination.

How much body area is treated during The procedure?

A one-hour treatment can cover a medium-sized area of your body, such as the belly, inner or outer thighs, buttocks, or your back. Smaller areas such as the chin or upper arm can be treated together. Multiple treatments on the same area are recommended for maximum effectiveness. Extra belly fat, for example, may need 3-6 treatments, while larger areas will need more.

Are fat Cavitation results immediately noticeable?

Some results will be visible immediately, but the entire process can take several days to complete (peak results are usually seen within 72 hours of treatment). Results will depend on the condition of the eliminated fat, including how long it has existed and how dense it is.  Typically you can expect 1 to 2 inches of fat loss after the first treatment and up to 2 inches of loss after each subsequent treatment.

Does Ultrasonic Cavitation result in saggy skin?

While some rapid weight-loss treatments can result in sagging skin, Ultrasonic Cavitation has a firming effect on the skin and muscle tissue, including loose skin from previous weight loss efforts. Actual results will vary.

Can everyone get Ultrasound Cavitation fat loss treatments?

Ideal candidates for treatment will be in generally good health but moderately overweight. Patients should not be pregnant or nursing, taking anticoagulants, or have a pacemaker or other metal implants. Other conditions which can be negatively affected by Ultrasonic Cavitation include recent surgeries, current infection or infectious disease, a compromised lymph system or immunodeficiencies, and severe health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, high or low blood pressure, hemophilia or tuberculosis. If you’re not sure if you’re a good candidate for treatment, consult your physician first.

Medarts Are the San Diego Fat Cavitation Specialists

Weight loss is about more than fitting into the perfect cocktail dress. Shedding those extra pounds will result in better overall health, plus fewer aches and pains, more energy, and higher self-esteem. If you want to learn more about Ultrasonic Cavitation fat loss therapy, call Medarts Weight Loss Specialist in San Diego for a consultation by calling (619) 866-3333