10 Tips to Lose Weight Fast in San Diego

Lose weight fast Medarts Weight Loss San Diego.

No, we’re not about to offer you a list of “fad diets that work.” There’s no need to get fancy when at the root of every single diet that works is the same simple equation:

Calories burned > calories consumed = weight loss.

Or, in other words, if you burn more calories than you eat, you’ll lose weight. Simple, but not easy, right?

At Medarts Weight Loss Specialists in San Diego, we believe that the best weight loss plan starts with lifestyle changes that help you burn more calories than you consume.

Want to shed a few pounds? Try some or all of these 10 tips to lose weight fast.

1. Kickstart your metabolism with breakfast

You’ve heard it said that breakfast is the most important meal. But do you know why? A healthy breakfast of protein and whole grains helps replenish your blood sugar after a full night’s sleep. Not only does it kick starts your metabolism, so you burn more calories throughout the day, but it also fills you up enough to last until lunchtime. Skipping breakfast can lead you to make desperate, hurry-up-and-feed-me lunch choices.

2. Shop smart for weight loss

If resisting temptation were easy, weight loss wouldn’t be an issue, right? Well, that’s exactly why we recommend resisting the temptation to load up your grocery cart with high-calorie snack foods. If those potato chips and powdered donuts don’t come home with you, you won’t be tempted to eat them mindlessly while you binge watch entire seasons of Damages on Netflix.

3. Exercise during commercial breaks

If you’re not watching Netflix, it’s likely that you’re either fast-forwarding through commercials or taking that time to replenish your snacks.  Instead, try doing crunches or jumping jacks during the commercial breaks. Not only will it reduce your consumption of extra calories, but it’ll also help you burn more. And, like we said earlier, there’s no weight loss plan in the world that doesn’t include burning more calories than you consume.

4. Order Healthy at restaurants

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to give up restaurants when you want to lose weight. But when you do eat out, if you order the healthier menu items, such as salads with grilled chicken and the dressing on the side, it will support your weight loss and help you shed those extra pounds.

5. Stop smoking to lose weight

Almost everyone we know who quit smoking said one of their biggest fears before they quit was that they would put on weight if they stopped. If you swap your cigarettes for potato chips, weight gain is likely. But, on the other hand, smoking makes if very difficult to get fit because it diminishes your physical endurance and leads to decreases in muscular strength and flexibility. So, if you swap your cigarettes for celery sticks plus a light daily jog around the block, you may actually lose weight instead of gaining it!

6. Walk and talk with friends or co-workers

After-work happy hour at the neighborhood bar is a great time to catch up with friends and co-workers. The problem is, it’s also a way to stock up on calories you just don’t need.  Instead, convince a buddy or two to lace up and chit chat during an after-work hike at Torrey Pines, a stroll around Mission Bay, or any other gorgeous walk-and-talk setting in San Diego.

7. Snack on nutritious food and veggies

For those of us who like to experience a feeling of satiation after a meal, the idea of eating “like a bird,” just doesn’t work. If this sounds like you, don’t worry. You can still reach your weight loss goals and feel full. Want to pile up your plate at the 4th of July picnic? Grab big handfuls from the crudité spread. Eat as much raw broccoli, carrots, celery, and peppers as you want. You might be surprised to see how much weight you can lose by filling up on vegetables.  

8. Park at the Far end of the Parking lot

You can often find an abundance of parking spots furthest from the mall or store entrance. Although you may at first be hesitant to park “all the way over there,” you’ll love to see how you rack up steps on your FitBit. Every step you take helps you burn calories.  Plus, parking a little further away eliminates the need to go into Parking Lot Stalker-mode trying to get the spot closest to the mall entrance.

9. L-Carnitine injections for weight loss

As you know, the best way to lose weight is with a combination of exercise and a healthy diet. But sometimes even that doesn’t seem to do the trick. When you receive injections of L-Carnitine (an amino acid composite) from a medical professional, you increase your body’s ability to release stored fat, and you get more fat-burning power from your workouts. It may be just the boost you need to reach your weight loss goals.

10. appetite suppressants to Stifle fod urges

For some of us, a ravenous appetite makes it difficult to focus on the lifestyle changes necessary for long-term weight loss.  In these cases, a prescription appetite suppressant monitored by a medical professional can be the key to success. Medications like Phentermine, Bontril, and Tenuate can help control your appetite while you make dietary changes and adapt to a new, more active and healthy lifestyle.

You don’t have to do it alone. Medarts Weight Loss Specialists can help

At Medarts Weight Loss Specialists, we know how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off. That’s why we’re here. Our customized weight loss programs are tailored to the needs of each individual, and we’re dedicated to helping our patients lose weight quickly and safely.

If you’re struggling to lose weight and want the support of medical professionals, give us a call to schedule a consultation today. We’ll do everything we can to help you reach your weight loss goals so you look and feel your best.  Call us at (619) 866-3333.