How Do You Stop Overeating?


Eating healthy is hard. Things would be so much simpler if ice cream, pizza, and burritos were the keys to weight loss, but unfortunately that is not the case. Instead, the only way to lose weight is to eat a nutritious diet of portion controlled meals. However, it can be tough to control intense cravings for junk food, and binging and overeating food can often sabotage weight loss goals.

8 Tips to Stop Overeating and Lose Weight

It is important to have some tips and tricks to avoid overeating if you are serious about losing weight. Here are 8 effective ways to stop overeating and start losing weight.

1. Prescription Appetite Suppressants

Prescription appetite suppressants, also called anorectics, are a great way to control your cravings and avoid overeating. These simple and easy appetite suppressants are completely safe with the supervision of a medical professional, and will have you losing weight in no time!

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Water has too many benefits to list, from helping you get healthy and beautiful skin to aiding your immune system. However, water can also help you keep yourself from overeating. Whenever you are eating, make sure to drink plenty of water. The feeling of the water in your stomach will make you feel full quicker. Throughout the day, also try drinking water whenever you have a food craving. After you are done with the water, reevaluate if you are still hungry.

3. Be Mindful While You Eat

Absentminded eating is a recipe for overeating. In the era of multitasking, many of us enjoy meals or snacks while watching TV, looking at our computer, or browsing our phones. Try focusing solely on your meal when you eat. Take the time to be mindful of each and every bite of food you eat, chewing each bite and enjoying all of the flavors and textures of your meal.

4. Avoid Processed Foods

Many processed foods, like chips and candy, are almost completely lacking in nutritional value and are jam packed with calories. The human body is not used to processing foods that are this calorically dense and nutritionally empty, so you can eat much more processed foods than other foods. That is why it is easy to eat 1,000 calories of chips without even thinking twice.

5. Get Plenty of Sleep

Research has shown that getting 8 hours of quality sleep can reduce cravings and lead to healthier eating. Make sure you sleep well, and you will see the difference!

6. Avoid Stress Eating and Emotional Food Decisions

After a long day at work or an emotional discussion with a loved one, many immediately head to the frozen section, grab a tub of ice cream, and go to town. However, try to make food decisions based on hunger, not emotion. Emotional eating will not resolve your feelings or reduce stress, but rather just give you a momentary pleasure before pangs of regret.

7. Start Your Morning Right

The old adage "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" has lasted the test of time for a reason. Skipping breakfast will eventually lead you to be incredibly hungry later in the day, and that hunger can lead to overeating. On top of breakfast helping you avoid overeating, it also can jumpstart your metabolism to help you burn calories throughout the day.

8. Eat Meals High in Fiber and Protein

Fiber and protein take longer to digest than carbohydrates. That is why it is suggested to have a diet heavy in fiber and protein if you are trying to lose weight, as these foods will keep you satiated for much longer. Make sure to eat plenty of lean protein like chicken or fish and fiber heavy fruits and vegetables

Lose Weight With Appetite Suppressants at MedArts in San Diego

MedArts Weight Loss Specialists, located in San Diego, are appetite suppressants experts, providing prescription anorectics to help individuals lose weight and get healthy. If you are interested in learning about more ways to stop overeating or appetite suppressants, contact MedArts Weight Loss Specialists today. Give us a call at (619) 866-3333.